I am currently studying at Singapore Polytechnic. I'm currently in my First Year of the Diploma of Business and Information Technology
I have been busy with picking up new programming languages, trying to explore unique and minimal web designing inspirations.
When the idea of N.chor was first presented, the purpose of it was to create a large community for web designers to work together, and create beautiful Web Designs for companies and individuals. Here at N.chor, we believe that TEAM makes the difference. Web Designers can work together in the same project and that not only speeds up their developement works, but also give them valuable inspirations and ideas for a better end product. In March 2017, the idea of N.chor was officially adopted. Within the next 6 months, my team and I worked on building the mobile and web platform for the company. By September 2018, we officially launched N.chor. Back then, we started off with a humble team of 4. Right now, We have a total of 1,000 companies signed onboard, and a managing team of 38 members. We hope to continue serving businesses and individuals as the best web desgining provider.
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